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„Fintech inovators savā reģionā 2018. gadā“ — Corporate Vision Magazine

Pēdējos 4 gadus „Corporate Vision Magazine“ organizē konkursu „Tehnology Innovator Awards“, kurā tiek apbalvotas talantīgākās personas, komandas un uzņēmumi, kas sniedz labākos un novatoriskākos produktus un pakalpojumus tehnoloģiju jomā. Šogad BLENDER tika atzīts par novatoru inovāciju „Fintech“ jomā un ieguva atzinību kā „2018. gada Fintech inovators savā reģionā“. Oficiālo paziņojumu varat atrast


BLender kļuvis par ELITE uzņēmumu

Londonas vērtspapīru birža ir izvēlējusies „BLender“ piedalīties prestižajā ELITE programmā

Londonas vērtspapīru birža izvēlējās „BLender“ — pionieri starptautiskā savstarpējas aizdošanas pakalpojumos — piedalīties prestižajā ELITE programmā kā perspektīvu Akciju sākotnējā publiskā piedāvājuma (IPO) uzņēmumu.
Piedaloties ELITE programmā, „BLender“ mums tiks sniegta iespēja divus gadus strādāt kopā ar tirgus ekspertiem, kuri palīdzēs uzņēmumam augt globālajā tirgū.
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Red Herring uzvarētājs

BLENDER ir izvēlēts labāko jaunuzņēmumu TOP100

„The Red Herring“ reklāmas aģentūra, visā pasaulē labi pazīstama kā jaunuzņēmumu vērtētāja, izvēlējās „BLender” starp pasaules jaunuzņēmumu simtnieku — „BLender” ieguva „The Red Herring“ TOP 100 Asia apbalvojumu. „The Red Herring“ redaktori bija vieni no pirmajiem, kuri ievēroja tādus uzņēmumus un preču zīmes kā „Google“, „Facebook“, „Alibaba“, „Twitter“ un „Youtube“ potenciālu.
100 labākie uzņēmumi izvēlēti no aptuveni 2000 privātuzņēmumiem. Tie visi vairākus mēnešus tika vērtēti pēc kvantitātes un kvalitātes kritērijiem (piemēram, finanšu rezultātiem, tehnoloģiskām inovācijām un intelektuālā īpašuma, dibinātāju vēstures, uzņēmējdarbības modeļa, lietotāju uzvedības, ielaušanās tirgū un citiem).
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P2P aizdevumu platforma „BLender“ paplašina savu darbību Eiropas Savienībā

Izraēlas jaunuzņēmums pirms paplašināšanās Āfrikā un Latīņamerikā nostiprina pozīcijas Eiropā.

Cilvēku savstarpējās (angļu peer-to-peer, P2P) aizdošanas platforma „BLender“ šodien paziņo par pirmo attīstības posmu pasaules tirgū — atvērti biroja Milānā (Itālijā) un Viļņā (Lietuvā), kuri apkalpos lietotājus Itālijā un Baltijas valstīs.
Kā intervijā „Finance Magnates“ norādīja „BLender“ dibinātājs, šīs finanšu tehnoloģijas jaunuzņēmuma plānos ir tālāka paplašināšanās tajos pasaules tirgos, kuros jūtama nepieciešamība pēc patēriņa kredītiem. 2017. gadā „BLender“ plāno sākt darbību Āfrikā, Latīņamerikā un citās Eiropas Savienības valstīs.
Daugiau skaitykite


BLender Begins International Expansion and Offers Cross-Border Peer-to-Peer Lending

BLender, a p2p lending company from Israel, today announced its global expansion, beginning with new offices in Milan, Italy and Vilnius, Lithuania that will serve customers in Italy and the Baltics. The Israeli-based company delivers a P2P lending platform with a proprietary consumer credit rating system designed for territories without credit bureaus or traditional consumer credit information. BLender is a cloud-based platform that was built to work in a wide range of markets and languages.
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BLender scores $5M to expand the boundaries of P2P lending

BLender’s hybrid model creates credit ratings based on financial, social, and demographic background to upend the banks’ foothold on peer-to-peer lending – and empower emerging markets

P2P lending platform, BLender, secured $5M in funding from Blumberg Capital, one of the leading American VC firms whose most notable influence is in the global FinTech market. The company currently operates within Israel, but with the funding, BLender plans expand into Western European and Latin American markets within the coming months. Blender CEO, Dr. Gal Aviv, told Geektime that targeted countries include Columbia, Brazil, Germany, and France, among others. He also indicated that some new features will be released, although he would not disclose any specifics.
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Investment House Acquires 20% of P2P Lending Startup’s Business in Israel

The Israeli FinTech startup BLender offers an alternative to the expensive credit provided by banks and credit card companies.

Israeli Investment House Psagot has announced an agreement to purchase 20% of multinational Peer to Peer (P2P) lending platform BLenders’ activity in Israel, pending regulatory approvals. No financial details from the deal have been revealed yet but it is known that Psagot will be adding its representative to the BLender Israel Board of Directors.
Psagot is the largest investment house in Israel and manages assets valued at $50 billion for a million individuals, corporations and institutions. It is owned by Apax Partners, a UK-based private equity and venture capital firm.
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How A Rocket Scientist Is Fixing P2P Lending

The largest P2P marketplace on Earth – Lending Club – is currently worth $7 billion and has seen it loan volume grow 20 percent per month every quarter of 2015 so far. And while LendingClub is the biggest – it is finding itself in an increasingly crowded marketplace .

Analysts say that by the end of 2015, person-to-person lending will drive roughly $77 billion in loan volume — 15 times more than the $5 billion it drove in 2012, Bloomberg reports And while that growth rate is astonishing, P2P lending growth overall is a mere .08 percent drop in a $96 trillion total lending bucket worldwide

The rapid growth of the P2P lending world is of concern to some.
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How to Assess Borrowers’ Stability with No Credit Information

Dr. Gal Aviv, CEO of Israeli peer to peer lending start-up BLender, speaks about the new trends in the business.

Established in 2013 by three physicists, Israeli peer to peer lending start-up BLender gains strength in the local market. With $7 million invested, a recent investment by leading local investment house and over 270 million NIS in requested loans, CEO and founder Dr. Gal Aviv speaks with Finance Magnates about the growing trends in non-banking lending system landscape.
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Israeli P2P Lender BLender Opens Up First EU Offices

BLender, the Israel-based P2P lending platform, announced the first milestone in its global expansion, opening new offices in Milan, Italy, and Vilnius, Lithuania to serve customers in Italy and the Baltic region.
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i24 news

Dr. Gal Aviv in an interview for i24 news

In an interview for i24 news, BLender CEO Dr. Gal Aviv explains how BLender is transforming Israel’s financial markets and making it possible to borrow money conveniently and at a worthwhile interest rate. Watch here.



BLender is named one of the most promising young FinTech companies in 2015 by KPMG – H2 Ventures. Just two Israeli companies made it onto the list.

The FinTech 100 list features the 50 leading established companies in the world and 50 of the most exciting emerging companies in the field (the rising stars). The list is the result of global research in the field and includes 40 firms from the Americas, 20 from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, 18 from the U.K., and 22 from the Asia-Pacific region. The list includes just two Israeli companies: BLender (on the rising stars lists) and OurCrowd (on the 50 established leaders list). Complete list.


Channel 20

Dr. Gal Aviv in an Interview for Channel 20’s Economic Night

BLender CEO Dr. Gal Aviv is interviewed by Sharon Gal for Channel 20’s Economic Night on the global trend of social loans—which we pioneered in Israel!—and the venture’s first year. Watch here.


Channel 10

Bigger than the Industrial Revolution – Channel 10 covers the sharing economy

 In an interview for Channel 10 on the “sharing economy,” Dr. Gal Aviv, CEO of BLender, discusses the global trend of peer-to-peer lending, which we pioneered in Israel! Watch here.



Dr. Gal Aviv, CEO of Blender, named one of the 100 most influential people in our lives and the future of our children

The hottest word in the financial world these days is “FinTech”: that is, harnessing technological developments to provide financial services. The tremendous technological capabilities offered by the smartphone era, the complete access to information and services at any place and time, and the slowness of banks, has set the stage for organizations and individuals to come in and challenge the traditional banking systems.
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See the full list of the 100 most influential people.


People & Computers

BLender: Mixing up the money again

Efforts to create a social bank have failed due to the restrictions imposed by the government, so that’s where Israeli entrepreneurship comes in ● Meet the online financial platform that specializes in P2P loans. The result: higher interest rates for lenders and lower interest rates for borrowers. Read more.


The Marker

BLender raises $5 million for peer-to-peer lending in funding round led by Blumberg Capital

”This funding will help us to strengthen BLender’s position in Israel and to enter new markets in Western Europe and Latin America,” said Dr. Gal Aviv, the CEO. David Blumberg, managing partner of Blumberg Capital, said, “We have witnessed the growth of the field of P2P and its transformation into a legitimate alternative to the traditional lending markets in many countries around the world. As a fund that has previously invested in B2B and B2C credit card companies and marketplaces and in many other companies in the field of credit and FinTech, we have no doubt that BLender offers a unique product in the field, with innovative and groundbreaking technology.” Read more.



Funding: BLender raises $5 million to connect borrowers and lenders around the world

It has been a decade since social lending or P2P lending made its breakthrough in the loan arena. The idea is simple: it involves connecting an individual with liquid money that is available for investment with one who needs a loan but is deterred by high interest rates or the bureaucracy of banks or credit card companies. The Israeli company BLender operates an online platform to make such connections and announced today (Sunday) a funding round of $5 million fund led by Blumberg Capital. Read more.



Lending venture BLender raises $5 million

Today BLender announced a funding round of $5 million from Blumberg Capital. Since its founding, the company has raised $3.5 million, not including the current round. BLender operates a platform that allows people to lend money to other people—without financial intermediation. Read more.



BLender raised $5 million from Blumberg Capital

The company operates a lending service for members, allowing investors to spread investments as loans at convenient interest rates. To date, hundreds of borrowers have borrowed some $10 million through BLender. Read more.


Finance Magnates – Fintech

Sensibly Connect the World’s Borrowers and Lenders

Powered by social data and $5 million in new funding, BLender is aiming to expand its lending platform to global borrowers and investors. Read more.



Interest rate cap is a step in the right direction for the financial system

Shaked’s proposed bill will effectively abolish the inequalities existing in the market today, which enables traditional institutions to provide credit with no cap on the interest rate, and correct the fundamental distortion resulting from the banks and credit card companies’ ability to join forces. Read more.



BLender takes capitalism back to its roots

BLender’s business model is not built on arbitrage of the differential between the interest paid by the borrower and that received by the lender. BLender takes a commission of 2.5%, or at least NIS 200, from the borrower, plus a fee of one percent of the returns of the lender, spread over the lifespan of the loans, for an actual total of around 0.4% during the year. Read more.



BLender scores $5M to expand the boundaries of P2P lending

BLender’s hybrid model creates credit ratings based on financial, social, and demographic background to upend the banks’ foothold on peer-to-peer lending—and empower emerging markets. Read more.


Economic Night

BLender is one of the few websites in the world, and the only one in Israel, that enables the buying and selling of existing loans. Any lender may sell his/her loans to other lenders. In other words, if you want to get back the money you lent, you simply put the loan up for sale on BLender…at any point during the lifetime of the loan. Learn more on Economic Night.



Re-Blend: The stock exchange for loans between individuals

Dr. Gal Aviv, CEO and founder of BLender: “Once we identified lenders’ need flexibility, liquidity and control over investment periods of investment, we decided to develop a unique technology that allows liquidity. This is a revolution in the savings and credit markets. The secondary market created through BLender’s Re-Blend will greatly increase the number of lenders whose needs may be met through the platform, offering a flexible savings option with an average return of 6% annually. It is a high-quality alternative to the savings options available in the market today, especially given the current zero interest rate period.” Read more.


Israel Hayom

An alternative to the stock market? BLender will make it possible for you to sell a loan portfolio

According to Aviv, “BLender aims to lead the non-bank loan market and to present an attractive, convenient and modern alternative to the traditional lending market, which uses advanced technology and makes it easy for both borrowers and lenders. Our new and innovative development puts BLender on par with the world’s leading platforms, like Zopa and Lending Club.” Read more.


The Marker

Peer-to-peer companies are filling in the banks’ shoes

Household lending has always been a cash cow for banks and credit card companies. A cursory examination of their sources of income reveals that this area accounts for a significant portion of their income. Therefore, it is clear that it is difficult for them to say goodbye to their hegemony in the field…


Adif Portal

Lack of credit rating information led to banks’ control of the lending system

The consumer loans domain represents the most active and profitable area in the banking system, noted Dr. Gal Aviv, CEO of Blender in a lecture on P2P lending at the second Adif Conference for Financial Institutions. Read more.



The credit rating database will encourage non-bank lending

The interim report of the Committee on the proposed Credit Data Law, which is expected to be released in the coming days has already raised a storm in the banking sector. Some argue against publishing credit ratings, saying that they will hurt those with low ratings, while others argue that, on the contrary, everyone will benefit including and especially the weak. Read more.


The Marker

They’re afraid: Bankers don’t know how to deal with Moshe Kahlon

From the dismantling of the government until election day, the banks lost about 5%, and since the release of the results, they increased by 4.5%. Analysts: The decline reflects the fears regarding the new finance minister. Read more.



Turmoil in the financial world: Is it becoming more accessible to the general public?

New technologies and forms of alternative funding rocked the financial world, and have broad implications for consumers and companies alike. But is the financial world is becoming more accessible to the general public? Read more.



The Israeli start-up offering up to 8% interest rates on money

Following the revolutions spurred by GetTaxi, Uber, Airbnb and, BLender is hoping to generate a social revolution in the banking and lending industries. In a G interview, the founders explain how it works, and also: what does it have to do with Dad, real estate magnate Doron Aviv? Read more.



Barça, I’m coming: Just 15 minutes to get a loan for a sports vacation

What’s a dad who wants to take his son to a game in Barcelona, but who perpetually overdraws his bank account to do? Here’s the story of a father who found a solution through peer-to-peer lending site BLender. Read more.



Want a loan for a sports vacation? Now there’s a solution.

Have you been dreaming of a sports vacation? A one-in-a-lifetime trip with your oldest son to watch Messi go head to head with Ronaldo at El Clasico at Camp Nuo… Read more.


Channel 2 News

Peer-to-peer lending: Bypassing the banks

Giora Offer is very familiar with the banking system: he was part of Discount Bank’s top management, and he knows just how much banks earn at the expense of the small, individual customer. Maybe that’s why he’s launching a new peer-to-peer lending venture, which joins other similar initiatives in Israel and around the world. Read more.


Israel Business Conference 2014

According to Dr. Gal Aviv, half of Generation Y “doesn’t ever want to set foot in a bank. They know that they can get a more affordable product and how to get it. They shop on Amazon and eBay. Consumers today are different: they know that they can get savings or credit products at a better price.” Read more.



Peer-to-peer lending: who is it for and how does it work?

BLender, an Israeli company, is answering the call for social lending in Israel and offering an innovative new arena for peer-to-peer loans…


Channel 10 – The Morning Show with Orly and Guy

Bypassing the banks: peer-to-peer lending

A new online platform connects borrowers and lenders…



Peer-to-peer lending: “Blender” presents a model in which, it claims, everyone wins

BLender gives investors an attractive way of investing and offers borrowers a convenient financing solution…


Israel Hayom

Loans that bypass the bank

BLender is working to shatter the banking monopoly when it comes to small loans. Are its founders joining a wave in protest of banks? They say no: “Our product is Zionist; it can help to improve life in Israel—and prevent people from leaving the country.” Read more.



There’s no reason to put up with absurd fees and crazy interest rates

There’s a growing market in the financial industry: social lending—loans that are transferred directly between people online, bypassing the bank entirely. Read more.



A new social tool

There’s a new player on the social lending field—today real estate developer Doron Aviv and former CEO of Discount Bank Giora Ofer launched a peer-to-peer lending fund, BLender. It’s anonymous, and the lender’s information is stored securely online…



An alternative to the bank: online loans

Crowdsourced loans, an alternative to consumer loans from banks or credit card companies, are gaining momentum, even in Israel. BLender, which developed a platform to thoroughly screen borrowers within seconds using social networks, among others, is trying to shatter the banking monopoly. And it even has something to offer to lenders. Read more.


The Marker

Sign here using Facebook // A new online lending platform seeks to compete with banks

A new venture launched by the Aviv family and Giora Ofer “bypasses” banks to connect borrowers and lenders for loans of up to NIS 30,000. Borrowers are screened quickly using a photo of their paystub and access to their Facebook profile. Read more.



BLender launches its online loan venture

The online venture enables anyone to borrow or lend at lower interest rates on average than those offered by banks. Giora Ofer of the Lahav Fund is leading the venture along with Doron Aviv: “We haven’t reinvented the wheel in terms of the idea, but we did greatly enhance the technology.” Read more.

Israel Hayom

Giving the banks a run for their money? A new site for social lending is launched

Will they succeed in giving the banks a run for their money? A group of entrepreneurs launched a new venture called BLENDER to create a platform for peer-to-peer lending. It connects people who want to lend money and those who want to borrow, all while minimizing brokerage fees. Read more.



The Credit Protest

In finance, too: Hunger for an alternative that competes for the consumer’s heart and wallet. Read more.


Guy Zohar’s Show on Radio Nonstop

BLender CEO and founder: our expenses are constantly changing, but our revenue is fixed. Listen to the program.



A New Player in Social Lending >> BLENDER

BLENDER offers an online meeting point for people looking for high interest rates on their money and those looking for a quick loan with favorable terms. Read more.



BLENDER: A New Player in Social Lending

There’s a new online platform that brings together individuals who want to earn higher interest on their liquid money and those looking for quick and easy loans with better terms than those offered by traditional financial institutions. It’s called P2P (peer-to-peer) lending. Read more.


Adif Portal

A New Social Lending Initiative for Private Customers

Leaders in Israel’s business community have joined forces to launch a new peer-to-peer lending iniatiative called BLender. Doron Aviv, chairman of Aviv Group, serves as the company’s chairman, and Giora Ofer, former CEO of Discount Bank and one of the owners of the Keren Lahav investment fund is a member of the Board of Directors. Read more.