Please be informed that from 2023-06-29 BLender Italy do not accept new investors and do not issue new loans. If you are our customer and you need additional information about payments, write us an e-mail.

  • You choose how much to lend
  • BLender does the work for you
  • You enjoy optimal returns

Lending with BLender is simple, you have 3 options:
1. AutoBlend (Premium Track) – BLender’s DirectMatchTM will work automatically for you and will try to maximize your returns.
2. Semi Automatic – You choose how much you would like to lend and DirectMatchTM will generate a personalized portfolio of loans for you.
3. Personal Track – You choose the loans you wish to participate in, and allocate the funds to each loan.

Do I have to pay to be able to lend money?
No. The amount that you choose to lend will be transferred to borrowers who meet the criteria and to the SafeGuard fund that protects you. We collect management fees from borrowers’ monthly payments (For more information, see the price list).

How do I transfer money that I want to lend?
You should perform a bank transfer to our dedicated bank account.

Who can lend money through BLender?
Anyone who has an active bank account and wants to lend money in order to earn attractive returns. Individuals, companies and financial institutions may be lenders.